1. Go to https://acnspapercut.colostate.edu:9192/user and use your eID for your username and your eID password then click Log in.
    PaperCut login screen
  2. Once logged in, click on “Web Print” in the menu on the left side of the screen.
    PaperCut menu
  3. To upload a document to print, click the green “Submit a Job” button.
    PaperCut's "Submit a Job" button
  4. To print to the printer in your residence hall or apartment, select the radio button next to “housingprint\University Housing Printers(virtual)” then click the green “Print Options and Account Selection” button.
    PaperCut's printer selection screen
  5. Click the green “Upload Documents” button then on the next page click “Upload from computer” to choose the document you want to print. Then click “Upload and complete” to send your job to the print queue.
    PaperCut's Upload Documents button
    PaperCut's file selection screen
    PaperCut's Upload and Complete button
  6. If the job uploads successfully you the “Status” will show as “Held in Queue”. Select “Submit a Job” to upload another document.
    PaperCut's printing summary page
  7. Once your job is in the queue, you may go to the front desk of your residence hall or apartment and release the job from the Print Release Station. See the front desk staff for assistance.
  8. If you run into any issues during this process, please see the troubleshooting section below for tips.